Saturday, 27 January 2024

Fabric Flowers

 Dominique led this project and it was something a bit different!





Sue H


They're all quite different even though they were all made in the same way!

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Yarn Mandalas

 For our first project of the new year, we tried something completely different: yarn mandalas. Tricia led the session, and had made a few samples in advance.





Sue H

Tricia's First Attempt

Tricia's Eight-Sided Mandala

Tricia's smaller format Christmas Tree Decoration

At the meeting we used our own left-over yarn and some inexpensive long lolly sticks to have a go. The smaller format option used cut down barbeque skewers! The recommended frame to use is wooden dowel rods, ideally fitted together by cutting into each rod, but for a first attempt, we kept the costs low.

Monday, 1 January 2024

Corded Coasters

 For the last meeting of the year, we were led by Adrienne and we had a go at making coasters using wrapped cord. We first had to sort out a programme for next term, so we didn't have as long as usual to work on our projects, so we had to finish up as 'homework'!



Sue H

(She decided to make a shallow bowl so she's got somewhere to put rings while in the kitchen.)

Welcome to Crafty Harrow People

This blog shows projects made by members of Harrow u3a Art and Crafts group. If you are interested in joining, bear in mind that we're part of Harrow u3a, and that you would first need to join that. This group often has a waiting list, but there are lots of other groups which might interest you, so why not visit the main website and see.